Nice to meet you
Content creation is what I do best. Whether it is video to promote services, stories to show the hidden side of a business, or social media engagement to start a conversation with customers, I simply love to create. A combination of higher education and a drive to learn more on my own has resulted in a wide range of content creation skills that I use to push the limits of brand communications and customer service.
Master of Arts, Writing and Publishing, DePaul University. Member of The Golden Key International Honour Society. 3.95 GPA
Bachelor of Arts, Television Writing and Production, Columbia College Chicago. 3.79 GPA
Digital Marketing Analytics Certificate, MIT Sloan Executive Education. #13154071
Metra, Social Media Specialist. May 2016-Present.
The Onion, Purple Stuff Productions, Freelance Script Supervisor. May 2014-May 2016.
Self-Employed, Freelance Creative Marketing; copywriting and design. Nov 2015-May 2016.
Goldfish Consulting, Marketing Assistant. Aug 2014-Nov 2015.
Vibrant TV, Social Media and Broadcast Intern. Feb 2014-Aug 2014.
The Onion, Post Production Intern. Jan 2014-May 2014.
"Birdie," Crook & Folly, Vol 37.
Slag Glass City, Vol 3, Transitory City. June 2017.