Welcome to my website!


Creative video production and content creation for modern brands

Video Production

Crafting compelling stories through artistic video and audio, from ideation and scripting to production and editing.

View Video Reel >

Creative Writing and Script Writing

Sharing stories that invoke thought and reflect the complex nature of humanity, society, and everyday life.

Read Writing Samples >

Social Media

Engaging with customers, communicating effectively, and creating analytics-driven content.

Social Media Work >

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About Courtney

My background includes education in video production and creative writing. It is my goal to create fun, memorable content and generate the best campaigns for clients.

I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anyone tell you different.
— Kurt Vonnegut
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More than just content

Everyone loves a good story. That is why I strive to employ unique storytelling and thoughtful content generation on every project.